Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Quick Little Prayer, Please

I took Sawyer for his "jaundice" check-up today. When I took him 2 weeks ago for his 1st jaundice check up, his doctor said that everything seemed to be going well, but he wanted to see him again in two weeks just to be sure. I was thankful for that, because he could've just said he'd see us in 2 months at the 2-month check-up, but I could tell he was being proactive, which was one of the many reasons I chose him as our new doctor.
Well, although Sawyer is up to 9 lbs. 4 ounces (you go, big boy), Dr. Johnson is sending us BACK to Vanderbilt Children's Hospital tomorrow to have some more lab work done.
I thought all was going so well!!!! Sawyer has been eating great (obviously), he's sleeping good (he went for a 6 hour stretch last night - yippee!), he's pooping like a champ, etc. And, his color to me looks great. So, I'm hoping and praying that Dr. Johnson is just continuing to be proactive and just wants to have all of Sawyer's levels checked to make sure he's doing okay. But, as a mom, especially a mom of another newborn, you automatically get the bad feeling in the pit of your stomach and begin to think the worst.
Dr. Johnson mentioned some things about his liver, etc., and he just wants to be sure all is well.
So, if you don't mind, please say a quick prayer for little Sawyer that he will be okay, and that if anything is wrong, it will be an easy fix. And, as usual, please throw a prayer up for me, because as you all know, the worry and fear is eating me alive today.
Give it to God, Give it to God, Give it to God (sorry, I'm talking to myself)
Thank you so much!


Amy Lafayett said...

Yes. Give it to God and trust him! He will take care of you both. :) I will pray for you!

Rachel said...

What!?!?? Oh my goodness, we'll be praying! Ya'll got to call and tell is this stuff!

Unknown said...

Praying for your sweet Sawyer and you, sweet Mommy. God has this under control- trust. He loves Sawyer more than you do, hard to believe isn't it. Let us know what happens!