Okay, so post-naptime went AWESOME!!!! She woke up, we put her big girl panties back on. (some new ones, of course)
4:00 p.m. - We immediately sat on the potty for about 2 minutes...nothing.
Her diaper was almost completely dry though, which was good...
4:05 p.m. - Sadie said she needed to go to the potty again, so went and sat for about 3 minutes...nothing again.
4:10 p.m. - Sadie said she needed to go AGAIN...AAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!! But, this time she PEE PEE'D!!! Yippee!!!!!!!! I was very, very excited!!!
4:30 p.m. - timer went off so we sat on the potty for about 10 minutes.
To spare you the boredom, for the next 2 hours, she went and sat on it every 20 minutes and nothing happened, which was fine. She actually wanted to sit there for the whole 2 hours and I wouldn't let her. For crying out loud child! I am about sick of sitting in the bathroom floor. I will admit it. Sorry.
6:55 p.m. - timer went off and she Pee-pee'd again!!!! Yee haw for Sadie!!!!!
7:20 p.m. - POO POO!!!!!!! (she'd been on the potty for about 20 minutes b/c she just loves it) I hope that part will end. I don't know how many days I can spend on the bathroom floor...
I think she's just excited though. It's something new, and I'd much rather her be overly excited than throwing a fit every 20 minutes when we have to go!!!
Day One = HUGE SUCCESS!!!!!!!
Only 2 accidents and they were both first thing in the morning. The rest of the day couldn't have gone any better!!!
I'm so proud of my little girl. I will admit to only my fellow bloggers that I did shed a few tears on my way home from the grocery store tonight, b/c I can't believe I'm potty training my baby! It's just gone too fast.
Also, to top off her great day, she ASKED to wear her pull-up to bed...??? What in the world? Isn't this the same thing that put her over the edge at naptime. Oh well...I went with it, and she's now fast asleep. Who knows???
Here's to Day #2...let it be as successful as Day #1!!!!
1 comment:
Sounds like Sadie and mommy are doing really well with this! Congrats Anna! I know how hard it is but keep it up! She will get it! Tessa was the exact same age as Sadie when she was potty trained...praying for you and Sadie! Good luck!
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