Thursday, January 24, 2008

My Baby is Growing Up!

I thought this was the sweetest picture, and I just had to share it. Grammy (aka Dennis' mom) bought Sadie a pair of pink princess shoes. They actually say "Princess" on them. She brought them over last Friday, and we put them on Sadie. It's her first real pair of shoes that she has actually gotten to wear and walk around in (with assistance, of course). She was playing at her little table, and she kept just stopping what she was doing and looking down at her new shoes. She was so proud of them!

She also started to crawl this week. After 10 and 1/2 months, she started crawling! Right when we think she's going to walk, she figures out a new way to get around, which I hope doesn't delay her walking now. We were at "My Gym", and she just climbed out of my lap and took off crawling across the floor. It was hilarious!! The funniest part is that she only crawls with one leg, so she just drags the other leg along. It is pretty comical to watch. I told Dennis that she looks like the Hunchback of Notre Dame or something. Too funny!

We also switched her to a "big girl" carseat this past weekend, and she loves it! She just gets a big grin on her face every time I put her in it. She looks so tiny in it right now, but I know she'll grow into it before we know it.
What a week! It seems like a lot has happened over this past week. I go to the doctor for my 3 month appt. tomorrow, so hopefully all will go well, and we can put "miscarriage" out of our vocabulary again this time around! Yeah!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Oh so cute! I love that story about the shoes. Too sweet!