Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sawyer - 9 months

I can't believe my big man is already 9 months old! Well, technically, he'll be 9 months old tomorrow, but I took him for his check-up yesterday. He's almost 18 pounds! He's crawling all over the place and today when we were at my Memaw and Pepaw's house playing, he pulled up to a standing position all by himself! I know that these next few months are going to fly by. This is when it really starts to get fun!!!!
His doctor did tell me though that I absolutely HAVE to let him start crying it out in the middle of the night. Oh, how hard that is!!!!! I did it for a while a few months ago, but he wouldn't cry himself to sleep and I wasn't sleeping, so I gave up. Now it is time to start again and this time, I have to stick with it. We started last night and it wasn't TOO bad. It could've been worse. I just pray and pray all night long for him. I want him to feel peaceful in his bed and have a good night's rest. For once...
He goes to sleep just fine, but he wakes up several times through the night. Every single night...
So, wish me luck!!! I know I can do this!!!!
He's getting dedicated at church next Sunday on Mother's Day. Oh, what a special day that will be! I can't wait!!!

1 comment:

Jennifer Aldridge said...

I've never seen a baby dedication at Long hollow. Sawyer will be my first. HOW SPECIAL!!!! I'm so excited.