Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Most Amazing Video

I was told about this video on UTube by my hairdresser a few months ago, and I've been dying to get my hands on it ever since. She couldn't even tell me about it without crying her eyes out. My stepsister sent it to my mom, b/c she said that it reminded her of what my sister has been through. Wow...I just watched it, and I can barely breathe. Please, please, please take the 5 and 1/2 minutes it takes to watch and listen to this video/drama. It's amazing. That's all I can say. If you've ever been in a place in your life before where you feel like this girl...Where you feel like you're being pulled away from God by all of the "worldly" things. Just know that God is always there, fighting right along side of you to get you back to Him, right where you in His loving arms.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Made me tear up too. God is so good.

Oh, by the way... Mc saw a pic of ya'll today and said "D, nana, beebees." So cute!