Me? I go through mine when school starts. My sweet little kiddos that I've gotten to spend time with, love on, hug on, make memories with and take care of all Summer long, I now only get to see in the morning (when everyone is ill), and in the late afternoon (when everyone is exhausted). It bothers me! Sadie and I literally sat in her bed in the dark tonight and cried. How sad is that?? I think she was just crying because I was crying, but good grief! I couldn't stop! And it's only the 2nd full day of school! I will be fine in a few days...maybe.
They both LOVE their new teachers and their classes, which helps my heart...a little. I was (and still am) a little worried about Sawyer being in Pre-1st, but he has handled it like a champ. He doesn't seem affected by it at all. His teacher does a fantastic job of making those kids feel extra special and I am so thankful for that! I know they will both have a great year and hopefully I can get excited about it soon.
Here are a few pics from the first day of school.