Earlier today, during "naptime", Sadie called me into her room several times saying that something was pinching her hand. I was so confused. After the 2nd or 3rd time of me going back there, looking at her hand, kissing her hand, and seeing N-O-T-H-I-N-G, I told her to lay back down A-G-A-I-N and try to go to sleep. I wasn't getting upset with her. I just seriously could not see anything wrong with her hand. Sadie NEVER complains about anything. Ever. I never even know when she's really sick b/c she doesn't "act" sick. I knew something had to be wrong. What is it, God?
Anyways, a few minutes later, I hear her in her bed, crying. Softly. Breaks my heart. So, I went BACK in there to see why she was so upset. She kept saying "mommy, something is really pinching my hand". I turned around and as I turned the lamp on in her room to get a better view, I prayed to myself - "God, please let me see what's hurting her". I looked, and looked, and looked, and felt...and finally...I felt the smallest little splinter right where she'd been pointing. Thank. You. Jesus.
So, I scooped her up, brought her into my bathroom, removed the splinter, put some neosporin and a princess bandaid on it and carried her back to her bed. She was a much happier little Tinkers now.
Do not Dismiss those gentle whispers that God gives you. I came back and as I sat down on the couch, I thanked God for letting me see her hurt.
One of my NY resolutions is to try to REALLY see every thing, BIG and small, that God does this year in my life and have a deeper heart of gratitude towards HIM. Even something as small as a splinter.